
Forecasts are calling for extreme cold 和 the potential for measurable snowfall across much of our service territory. Colder weather means higher energy use as heating systems work harder to keep homes 和 businesses warm 和 safe.

寒冷的空气即将到来, 澳门银河官网网址公司是来帮你保证安全的, 做好准备,节约银河官网

The bigger the temperature difference, the more your system works

Even though you might not have touched your thermostat, the workload on your heater increased as the temperature dropped. If your thermostat was set at 68 degrees 和 it was 18 degrees outside, it took an additional 50 degrees of heat 和 energy to make up that difference. Compared to a 48-degree day, your thermostat would only need to make up a 20-degree difference.



How does Black Hill Energy prepare for extreme weather events? 

Black Hills Energy’s planning begins long before these kinds of weather events through careful consideration of the energy supply needed to endure even the most extreme conditions. As the cold sets in 和 customer dem和s for energy increase, 我们专注于继续银河官网网址提供安全的服务, 可靠的银河官网, while equipping our customers with ways to help reduce their usage. Make sure you’re following along on our social media channels like YouTube脸谱网

Black Hills Energy prepares for all emergency situations, including extreme weather. We have a plan in place 和 will execute that plan in partnership with local officials, 国家机构, 当地员工, 和 employees from other states to provide customers the safe, 他们所期待的可靠银河官网.


Higher commodity costs can occur when dem和 goes beyond reasonable supplies. Our natural gas system 和 our business continuity plans are designed with your safety as our top priority. 在极少数情况下, we have experienced significant commodity cost increases from our suppliers due to extremely high dem和 和 natural gas production interruptions. 

We encourage all customers to practice conservation mindfulness to offset the higher dem和 和 help limit the impact on their energy bills. 澳门银河官网网址关于 环保贴士及技巧.


Usage is the largest portion of our energy bills 和 weather is the biggest factor in increased usage. When temperatures are exceptionally low 和 usage dramatically increases across the country, the law of supply 和 dem和 can create a temporary increase in commodity prices. Our system is designed to provide safe, 可靠的银河官网, even during Mother Nature's worst. 减少需求增加对账单的影响, we strongly encourage all customers to practice conservation behaviors 和 adopt energy efficiency habits. 

Does Black Hills Energy make a profit on the gas going to customers? 

No. The cost of a customer’s natural gas is passed on to our customers with no mark-ups. Our Gas Supply team continuously plans for abnormal dem和 和 price changes to help minimize the financial impact to our customers by implementing a portfolio of gas purchase options.

What will Black Hills Energy do to support those in need of help paying their bills? 

The easiest way for families to access emergency assistance funds is to call their state 211, 访问我们的付款协助 节,澳门银河官网网址.

Customers in the Black Hills Energy service territory are eligible for 布莱克山关怀中心 funds, a utility assistance program made possible by donations from fellow customers. The Black Hills Energy Foundation matches those donations at 100%. 

预算帐单 是免费的吗, stable billing option offered by Black Hills Energy that makes bills more predictable by averaging the amount you pay each month to avoid spikes in your bill due to seasonal usage.


